Submitted by Name: Carl Nicholson From: Ottawa E-mail: Contact
Comments: Great tribute Paul.
Added: November 7, 2011
Submitted by Name: Linda Mason From: Halifax, NS E-mail: Contact
Comments: Paul: What a wonderful tribute to Uncle Wilf and his squadron. Hard to imagine what it would be like to lose one of my brothers under such circumstances. Sadly it was a reality for Mum's family and so many others.
Added: November 7, 2011
Submitted by Name: Les Voakes From: Merrickville, ON E-mail: Contact
Comments: This is a fine idea for remembrance. I will pass it along to my artist niece who designed the recent memorial for Dieppe.
Added: November 6, 2011
Submitted by Name: Bill Dare From: Ottawa/Gatineau, Quebec E-mail: Contact
Comments: Thanks for encouraging us to carry and live our history be it family or or society. Bill
Added: November 6, 2011
Submitted by Name: paul edward ebbs From: wetaskiwin,alberta,canada E-mail: Contact
Comments: great site sister sent you my uncles picture and is very nice to learn the history and his story....paul ebbs
Added: November 6, 2011
Submitted by Name: Marion Conger From: Ottawa, Canada E-mail: Contact
Comments: Hi Paul, great site, thanks for putting it together. We are so lucky and should remember that. This makes it seem more real than just reading about it in a history book. The human connection. Marion
Added: November 5, 2011
Submitted by Name: alan pearce From: cornwall, england E-mail: Contact
Comments: A touching tribute. I particularly liked the family links as this reminds us that each of those that died during the war was not just a name,a number or a statistic, but a real person, each with his own story to tell, however humble, and who was something very special to those who were closest to him. How sad that all these people had their futures taken from them in such a way.
Comments: tried to e mail you about 170 squadron as my uncle served with them from 44-45 and flew the Chemnitz raid. Drop me an e mail. i have his log book and the squadron shield that hung at Hemswells SGTs mess. My uncle liberated it after the war rgs shaun
Added: October 1, 2011
Submitted by Name: John Williams From: Sydney Australia E-mail: Contact
Comments: Well done a fine tribute to those who fell. Glad to be of some help.
Added: September 12, 2011
Submitted by Name: Sheila Goodwin/Zieglgansberger/Cleveland From: Saskatchewan E-mail: Contact
Comments: Awesome idea cousin! What a tribute to Uncle Wilfred and the Squadron of 170!
Name: Carl Nicholson
From: Ottawa
E-mail: Contact
Great tribute Paul.